Lobes package
The lobes package displays dual doppler lobes. It adds a Lobes menu
with the following selections:
- Set radars - produces a dialog box with entries for the radar
positions. When the dialog box is present, the position of one radar
can be set by double clicking the middle mouse button, and
the position of the other can be set by shift double
clicking the middle mouse button. Pressing OK draws
the dual doppler lobes as a stippled area, and the radar
range rings as dashed circles. It also prints the radar
positions to the terminal, so they can pasted into other
- Lobe color - presets a dialog box to set the lobe color. The color
selection is saved in a file named
$HOME/.visky/colors/Lobes.tcl, which is used to set the
color next time the program runs. When visky starts, it
backs up this file to $HOME/.visky/colors/Lobes.tcl.bu,
which can be used to revert to the original colors if
- Stipple - selects the dot size, in pixels, for the stippling.
Choosing default sets the value to that given by the
'Widget->Default dot size' menu.
The rest of the Lobes menu selects the beam crossing angle for the dual
doppler lobes. For example, if the crossing angle is set to 30º, then
the stippled region shows where the beams for the two radars cross at an
angle greater than 30º.
The text display below the map shows the azimuth and range from radar1 to
the cursor. This can be useful when searching for a place to put radar2.
The radar positions and beam crossing angle are also printed at the top
right corner of the map canvas.
The initial radar positions can also be set in the parameter file with lines
of form:
Radar1: 30 37 04 N 96 20 12 W
Radar2: 30 18 00 N 96 32 29 W
Then the radars and lobes will be drawn on the map as soon as it appears.
The radars can later be moved with the Set radars dialog.
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