The Hurricanes package will search the parameter file for the following lines:
Hurricanes: dir Year: yyyy PosErr: xy.zwhere:
When the package loads, it automatically retrieves and saves the archive index (e.g. It then scans the index for storm names and adds them to the Hurricane menu.
When the user selects a hurricane, visky downloads the index for the storm (e.g., which is then scanned for a list of reports. Reports not in the hurricane directory are downloaded and saved there. Then all reports for the storm are made available to the reports window. The track for the selected storm is drawn on the map as a solid line with dots at each observation point (usually every three hours). The text display below the map shows information about the observation nearest the cursor.
Selecting All for the hurricane displays all hurricanes for the year. If it is late in the year, this can result in a lot of downloading.
Double clicking on an observation puts its reports into the reports window. Forecast positions from the forecast discussion are displayed as dots on the map. The right arrow key selects the next observation for the current storm. The left arrow key selects the previous one.
The goes window displays the satellite image for the chosen observation. First it looks in dir/year/images to see if the image was saved from a previous session. If the appropriate image is not there, it attempts to download one from, which stores images for about 21 days. The view can be adjusted by dragging. While dragging, a text display at the lower left shows the cursor position. This helps put features - like the eye of the storm - at the same place in the window in sequential images. The Sector menu chooses the GEOS region, either East Coast, Hurricane Sector, West Coast, Hawaii, or Alaska (EC, HU, WC, HA, and AL, respectively). The Channel menu selects the type of image, either visible, infrared, or water vapor (VS, IR, or WV). Pressing the Lock button at the lower right prevents the image from updating, which can be useful if many images are missing.
Images are saved in directories dir/yyyy/images. There will be one directory for each year. They are never deleted. It might be wise to purge the image directories from time to time.
The Hurricane menu has the following items: